Squash Mosaic Virus

This week we have a great example of a shocking virus symptom. The virus is squash mosaic virus and is in a yellow summer squash plant. »

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a common fungal pathogen on many plants. The powdery mildew family has many members, with each species attacking a specific plant or group »

White ash mosaic virus

White Ash Mosaic Virus (WAMV) was first described in white ash in Minnesota in 2012. However, WAMV also naturally occurs in green, black, and blue ash. »

Wooly Elm Aphid

Wooly aphids are plant pests that feed on various trees and shrubs. Each type of wooly aphid can produce several generations each year. The Wooly Elm »

Early Summer Virus Symptoms

Summer has finally arrived in Minnesota. As perennial plants are coming out of dormancy they will often exhibit symptoms of virus infections due to their weak »